
Tuesday, January 17, 2017


We're half way through January and I'm still not set on my annual resolutions... I mean.. do I really HAVE to? Sometimes I feel like I owe it to myself to have SOME goals for the year.. a few plans maybe.. or just a road map of where I want to go in 2017...
This year, however, I'm drawing a blank.. I feel like I want to do SO much but then I sit to write it down and I can't come up with anything.. am I weird? or is this an "old age" syndrome?
I mean...don't get me wrong, there's the usual save money, lose weight, eat healthier, be friendlier kind of resolutions... don't we all have those? But when it comes to the meaningful stuff I just can't come up with anything...
There's so many things I want to change; I want to be less confrontational, more politically correct, a little more frugal, more patient with my kids, more organized at home, better at time management. I'd also like to read more and get a little better at enjoying nature since I tend to be one of those people who spends way too much time indoors (South Florida weather doesn't help the case!)...
But there's ONE thing I'm REALLY going to focus on and that is reducing my cell phone addiction...I think it's really killing my potential to have more lively relationships with the people I know; I'm on my phone (whether it's playing a game or checking some social media app) more often than I'd like to admit and the repercussions that this behavior have in my life are HUGE! It's a price too high to pay and I really want to change that...
I'm writing this post to make myself accountable to the proposed change.. I've started turning off my data when I'm out so I don't get any messages while I'm hanging out with my family or friends and pretty soon I'll start self-imposing a cell phone curfew because it's THAT bad!
So yeah... there goes my 2017 resolution... let's hope I make it!
Happy Blogging!

1 comment:

Iggy Perez said...

I'm going to do the same mama