I feel so bad for neglecting my blog the past few days, but the truth is that I haven't had the chance to post lately since we have a "sick house"
Everyone in the house has been sick or disabled...so much that I even had to cancel a much anticipated play date with my friend Liz and her baby Andrea.. that's how bad it has been!
I continue to have my horrible back pain, which by the way is getting worse instead of better.. I went for another doctor's appointment today and was ordered an MRI of my lower back. I was also prescribed muscle relaxers and anti inflammatory meds...hopefully something will help...
Also, both girls are sick, they seem to be coming down with a cold. Olivia has had a fever for the past 3 days and Gaby just started coughing today... how bad is that...??
On top of everything, Iggy had a little accident on Tuesday night... As he was moving an exercise bench, the seat smashed his middle left finger and he got hurt really bad. We went to the urgent care center and the doctor perforated his finger nail so that the blood would flow and the pressure would diminish, it was not pretty!... he was in a lot of pain and his finger was really swollen.. it was horrible...thankfully it's a bit better now, but still bruised...
We're supposed to drive up to Orlando tomorrow for a "fun-filled" weekend... let's see how "fun" it is with everyone being sick...
Wish us luck!