I'm going to start by saying THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has been praying for Gaby and asking about her health. All the good thoughts and positive energy really helped me get through these stressful days....
So here's the update: Today was Gaby's appointment with the GI doctor, the one that was going to tell me if anything was wrong with our baby girl, the one that was either going to give me relief or stress me out even more...
I went into the appointment with mixed feelings, not knowing what to expect... I waited a mere 20 minutes and was called in to see Dr. T, who happened to be amazingly nice and very caring...
As soon as he saw Gaby, he said "Why are you here?", so I proceeded to tell him that we had been referred by Gaby's pediatrician due to weight concerns and such...
He took a look at Gaby, reviewed her medical history and examined her... He asked me about her development, eating habits, etc... After an exam, he said to me: "Your daughter is perfect!"... Oh my God.. those are the sweetest words I have heard in a while!! He said her body is absolutely perfect and there is nothing wrong with her weight or her health...
He said that it is quite common for kids to drop on weight percentile after 6 months, based on the fact that growth after such age depends heavily on genetics. Both Iggy and I were "skinny" babies so he said it was very possible that she was skinny just like us...
I told him Olivia was a bit chubbier when she was little and he said that siblings can have different body frames and it didn't mean that one was healthier than the other...and that the most important things were cognitive and motor development and whether or not the baby was hitting milestones accordingly...which she obviously is!
I have to be honest and say that I was very relieved to hear all this and also happy that my motherly instinct was correct the whole time...
I thank God for this wonderful day and great appointment.. I love hearing great news, especially when they're about my daughter! God bless this day!