
Sunday, April 15, 2018

Blog. Revived!

Some of my friends have asked me what happened with my blog; many suspected I had grown tired of writing about our antics or that I have been too busy with life in general...well.. I am here to tell you that none of you were right as I have missed blogging and I'm ready to get back to it.  The truth is I decided to make a Lent sacrifice and stayed away from Facebook, blogging and most social media for 40 days.. I did stay on Instagram because pictures are LIFE! right??  
But I am here and my blog is being "revived" after a long 2 month hiatus...
We did A LOT during my blog absence, including a couple of Disney trips and a nice trip to Spain during Spring Break.. 

Here are some pictures of St. Patrick's day and our family sporting green outfits... I happen to love the color green and that's why I'm posting these! ;)

Here's Oliver and I at his Easter egg hunt. These events are so adorable and I cherish all the time that I get to spend with my kids at their school functions. 

On March 25th, Oliver turned 2.5. I feel like I somehow cheated him out of a special post about his half birthday but I will say that Oliver is pretty awesome. He talks up a storm and his vocabulary is quite impressive. He loves dinosaurs, cars, play-doh, books and balls. He also loves lollipops, chocolate and all things candy; he's a great eater and particularly enjoys pasta and chicken. 
Oliver is such a sweet child and definitely a mama's boy, I am thoroughly enjoying his "baby" years and I have learned so much from him. 
I took him to the movies for the first time about a month ago and he did incredibly well; I had taken him as a baby but toddlers are a whole new thing when it comes to this kind of stuff. I am proud to say we survived an almost 2 hour movie almost unhinged so there is potential for a repeat!
Oliver is still nowhere near potty training which I will admit to being a huge stressor for me considering I am hoping to enroll him in the girls' school next year and being fully potty trained is one of the requirements.. oops! I will remain hopeful for a summer potty training miracle so please send all your good vibes my way! ;)

March 25th was also the day I reached a HUGE milestone.. 2 and a half years of breastfeeding! If somebody had asked me 2.5 years ago if I thought this was possible, I would have answered with a resounding "NO WAY!" but here I am.. STILL at it! Breastfeeding has been such a fun ride and while I know that it must end soon (my plan is to hit 3 years and stop for good!), I am happy and proud to have made it this far and I will forever be an advocate and encourager of breastfeeding.  This topic warrants a post of its own and I will do that in due time.. for now I will just say that I feel blessed for having overcome my past fears and frustrations regarding breastfeeding! ;)

I am happy to be back to blogging and in the coming days I hope to take the time to write about our experience in Spain and a few other things that I may have neglected in this post.. including a movie review and a mom vent session!

Happy Blogging!

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