
Monday, March 5, 2012

Week in review

Last week was hectic and not all that I was away from my blog for the most part...
On Monday both girls got sick... really sick... Gaby had a bad ear infection AND strep throat and Olivia had a horrible cough... both ended up on antibiotics and thankfully got better after a couple of days...
Olivia had to go through Kindergarden testing for her new school and I was swamped with work...
I had my annual check up at my ob/gyn and Iggy had tons of meetings at work, which made for some late nights!
On Thursday my in-laws came into town and stayed with us for the weekend... it was nice to hang out with them and the girls had a great time.. their visit was like fresh air..

On Saturday we spent the day at City Place in West Palm Beach.. the weather was great so we were able to enjoy some time outdoors...

This week will be just as busy, considering I need to get a lot of stuff done before our Europe trip on the 16th... School is keeping me crazy as well and the girls keep me on my toes for sure!
Happy blogging!

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