
Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Elf on the Shelf"

I'm sure by now most people are familiar with the "Elf on the Shelf", which is (in my opinion) a great Christmas tradition and fun thing to do with kids...
I know there are tons of people who believe this is entirely too "creepy" and odd, but I happen to like it, even though I must admit I was reluctant to give in to it! ;)
The other day Olivia came home and asked me "mommy, how come elves never visit our house?"...she also said most kids in her class have an elf that visits them and they go to school telling stories about it...
Soooo.. I felt compelled to buy her one and I did..(it did pain me to spend $30 on a plush and a book, but kids are worth it, right?)
Our (girl) elf made her appearance yesterday morning, along with a note from "Santa" and the book with her story...the girls were overjoyed and I was a happy mama! They named her "Mamma Mia" and  she has already stolen our hearts...I'm sure we will have a blast with this little lady and she will also help with any behavior issue.. or so I hope! ;)
Here are few pictures of our girl elf...

...this is where she showed up this morning! ;)

..and here's a generic picture of the "Elf on the Shelf" merchandise, in case you have no clue what I'm talking about! ;)

Have fun all fellow "elfsters"...let the Christmas fun begin!
..and Happy December, by the way...!!!

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