
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

6 & 8

Even though I'm a little late with this post, I feel like I should write it just to keep up with my blog's tradition! :)
So, last week my girls turned 6 and 8 years old; even though time flies and I feel like they just grow up too fast, I no longer get sad about it because I know they are happy, healthy and thriving and just by seeing their personalities develop, I know I must be doing *something* right!
Let's start with the little princess, who turned 6 on the 16th...I cannot begin to tell you how fun she is! Gaby is such a sweet and sassy little girl with the most stubborn personality. Even though she's definitely someone you don't want to cross, she is such a joy to be around.  She loves the Ninja Turtles as much as she loves Barbies and that is what I love about her, the fact that she is such a versatile and open minded little person. Gaby enjoys going to the movies, dancing, traveling and playing with small toys (like Shopkins). She is the ultimate cat lover and really enjoys playing independently.  She will be starting 1st grade next month and she is so ready to go back to school and see all her friends again!
Happy Birthday, Gaby! We hope you had an amazing day!!

Then comes Olivia, who turned 8 on the 17th (have I mentioned how cool it is to have their birthdays so close!?!?).
Olivia is such a special little person, she is so in tune with everything that happens around her and she is definitely my best friend and my little accomplice.
She is funny, smart and has such a good sense of humor, always finds the joy in every little thing even when things aren't going as expected.  She particularly enjoys traveling and has such a long list of places she'd like to visit, including China and Australia.
Olivia will be starting 3rd grade in a month and even though she isn't as excited to go back to school as her sister, she sure is ready for the challenge.
Olivia is a little more social than Gaby, she enjoys playing with friends and is into group activities where tons of people get to participate.
Happy Birthday, Olivia! We hope you enjoyed your day!

For their birthday celebration, we took them to dinner at Benihana and they really enjoyed their Hibachi and all of the love from family members.
We are so blessed to have these two little girls in our lives and I am sure they will be the best big sisters our baby can ask for!  Happy Birthday girls!

As an added bonus to this blog post, here are two videos of the girls talking about their favorite stuff, only because videos are always more fun than pictures!

1 comment:

Stories of a Happy Mom said...

dear mama ilove yu\

dear mama i love you and your work and you thank you about that storie you wrote about me and Gaby I am very thankful for such an amazing mama like you