
Friday, December 10, 2010

End of year reflections... (continued)

Ok...time for more rambling...
7)..the last of my 20's: in a few days, I will be turning 29, so I'll be entering the last of my 20's.. wow! time does fly.. I still remember the day I turned 18.. I felt on top of the world and was so proud of my accomplishments... good news is, I still feel the same and I'm glad about it..Let's hope I continue to age gracefully and continue to live life to its fullest! ;)
8) Baby #3?...HELL NO!!.... but WHY NOT?? ha ha ha! Yeap..that describes my thoughts on having another baby.. I have NO CLUE how I feel about it.. Sometimes I'm really up for it, some other times I think it would be totally insane to have another baby... Bottom line, I (we) still have a lot of thinking to do on this subject...Who knows what next year will bring in the baby department? *wink, wink*
....ok.. enough rambling... those two thoughts always leave me with a headache..ha ha ha!
I'll write more later! ;)

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