
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Controversial parenting??

By now most people (especially moms) have put in their two cents in regards to TIME Magazine most recent cover, which features a super fit mom breastfeeding her almost 4 year old toddler.. The "controversial" cover photo is accompanied by the caption "Are You Mom Enough?", which has certainly enraged many mothers across the country....
Many have taken to internet social networks to voice their strong stance for or against extended breastfeeding and many have taken stabs at moms who choose not to breastfeed at all.. Others have called the cover a "beautiful thing" and some have even claimed that the woman on it is not even a real mom...
The most ironic thing about all this is that the featured article is not even about breastfeeding but rather the concept of Attachment Parenting, which in itself is a very controversial topic....
Let's face it people, parenting is a tough job and unfortunately NOBODY has all the right answers, but some moms (and dads) just DON'T GET IT!... On the internet, some people have gone as far as saying that any parenting style that is different from "attachment parenting" is detrimental to children and that most attachment parenting children grow up to be "better adjusted" individuals... WHAT?  So if I don't breastfeed by kid until she's 4 and let her sleep in my bed until she feels like it I am damaging her?  Yeah, yeah.. I know that attachment parenting isn't just about that, but the fact that someone is taking the time to even imply that they have the secret to perfect parenting, really irks me!
Of course there are people who post articles like THIS ONE, claiming they don't really care about the implications of the TIME cover and all they wish is for their kids to be happy (believe me, we all do!), but I honestly don't buy into that.. Everyone has SOME KIND of reaction towards things like this, even posting an "I don't care" type of article represents a reaction...
Of course I don't agree with "mommy wars" and I strongly believe that my real life and kids are far more important than anything I read online, but let's be honest, motherhood and parenting are VERY sensitive issues and for opinionated people like myself it is almost impossible to pretend that something like this wouldn't elicit some type of reaction... right?
I honestly couldn't care less about how long someone chooses to breastfeed their children (it's NONE of my business really)... after all, breastfeeding is a very positive thing and any mother who decides to pursue it should feel free to do it for whatever long she wants to.. but please don't even think of implying that someone is not "mom enough" for not doing so...and certainly don't expect to publish covers like this one and not get a crazy reaction from mothers (like me) who happen to think that the implications are just nonsense!  I believe that this cover is not only very offensive to some, but ironically, it is also having a negative impact on the whole idea of promoting extended breastfeeding...It is sad when things become an "us vs. them" thing.. certainly a useless concept in my opinion!
Now please, TIME Magazine, go back to your usual lame covers and let ME raise MY children in peace!

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