
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Play date with WTE babies...

I've had the wonderful opportunity of meeting great people through a pregnancy/baby website called "What to Expect", which I came across with when I was pregnant with Olivia... I can honestly say that some of my best friends have come from that site and I feel lucky to have met some great people...
I got even luckier when I was pregnant with Gaby, as I met some local WTE friends, who happened to have baby girls as well...we have been able to meet a few times already...
On Thursday I met with Lindsay and Elizabeth, mothers to Brooke and Andrea... Also, Liz brought her cousin Rebeca, who has a baby girl born in cute!
We met up at the mall and spent a while talking about babies and the wonders of motherhood... the girls got to hang out and we took some funny pictures... how cute is that?
Here are some pictures of our wonderful play date...I hope we can do it again very soon!


staceykt22 said...

What an adorable bunch of babies! It's so great that you are able to meet up with so many of the WTE mamas!

Anonymous said...

That is great, I plan on meeting my friend Danielle in March which I am so excited. We are going to meet at a mall. (she lives in NY and I live in PA) so its like a 3 hour drive.