
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

"Potty Training" update

I'm happy to announce that we're "almost there" in the potty training department. Olivia has finally started to understand the concept of going pee and poo in the potty and has stuck to it for the past week or so....
She now goes potty while she's in school and when she gets home she lets me know when she needs to go so I can help her. So far, so more unpleasant accidents within the past week. Every time she goes potty I give her a sticker and she feels so proud of herself... it's great!
I must say that the experience hasn't been as traumatizing as I thought it would be and she hasn't stopped to amaze me with her creative ways to learn new concepts. She still wears a diaper at night but most mornings she wakes up dry, which is a good sign!
Although I said my plan was to do "naked" potty training, I gave in and bought some pull-ups and that seems to be what works for us. Olivia feels like a big girl when she goes to the potty and pulls down her pants and takes off her pull-up diaper... too cute! I think this has made her more aware of the fact that people have to wear something rather than be naked...
At this point, she is still wearing pull-up diapers, but I'm hoping to get her out of those and into big girl panties in a couple of weeks! Crossing my fingers for more progress!!!



Congrats!! thats awesome news!!! how exciting :) see you tomorrow.. cant wait :)

Kim said...

Wonderful!! Congrats to you and Olivia!

Celeste said...

I am glad you are using pull ups. I have never heard of naked training before. I agree that pull ups give her a sense of having undies in the future!