Gaby will not sleep at night and she refuses to let me sleep either. She is usually pretty good during the day but at night it's a whole different story....it goes like this.....
I usually give her a "night" bottle around 11pm and she falls asleep within 15 minutes... she's then up around 2am or so and that's when the party starts!!
She eats around 2am and then she wants to be up for 3 or 4 hours... it's horrible. I've tried everything to get her to fall back asleep but she refuses.... it's crazy.... Her eyes are usually wide open and as soon as I even attempt to put her down she starts to fuss, whine or cry hysterically!...
I need some serious help... I'm starting to resent her at times and it gets me so cranky. I cannot enjoy my days because of the miserable nights....
At this point, I'm willing to try anything....
My cousin recommended a book called "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer", which I plan to buy and read to see if it helps... I also plan to give Gaby some cereal in her bottle to make her sleep longer and make an attempt to get more than 3 hours of sleep at a time....
Wish me luck!! I can't do this much longer! I need some SLEEP!!!!!
1 comment:
Hey Adriana, I am sorry you're nights are so sleepless :( I went through exactly that with Ashton. I'm assuming this time around is different than with Olivia? It's really easy for others to say sleep when they sleep but easier said than done! When Ashton was 5 months old I finally had enough of his feedings every 1/2 hour at night so I started replacing 1 feeding at a time with water instead of milk until he finally ate 24oz between 7am and 8pm instead of in a 24 hour period. I also read recently that taking them outside between 4pm and 6pm for at least 20 minutes helps the sleep better at night. Worth a try? I hope you get some rest soon :)
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